Rowley Lane, Huddersfield, West Yorkshire, HD8 0JD






TT Rockstars is an excellent tool which allows children to practise their Times Table recall in a fun, safe and interactive way. The very clever system is able to tailor the Times tables each individual is given every time they play to maximise their learning.

Children have their own Rockstar identity  and avatar. Through regularly playing any of the games on the site, they can earn points to buy items for their home page and character.

All children in Year 2-6  have been provided with their username and password to access the site.  For a more detailed explanation of how TT Rockstars works and how you can help your child to learn, please see the attached document. 

 Updates and achievements will be regularly shared on the website and half termly certificates sent home to celebrate individual achievements.

If you have any questions please contact your child's class teacher or Mrs Wood.


Parent information